How to repair a hole in drywall
An accident or doorknob can leave you with an unsightly hole in the wall. This problem is one many homeowners face. Learn how you can patch that hole in 10 simple steps.
Step 1: Inspect for Obstructions
To repair a hole in drywall, first, inspect the area to make sure there are no wires or obstructions near the hole.

Step 2: Determine Patch Size
Use a tape measure to determine the size of the patch. The patch should be larger than the hole by at least an inch in all directions. The patch for this hole will be 5x7-inches.

Step 3: Cut the Patch
To make the patch, use a tape measure to transfer the measurements to a scrap of drywall. Then, follow up with a square to extend the lines. Use a utility knife to score the lines, snap the cuts, and complete the patch.

Step 4: Trace the Patch
Center the patch over the hole and trace its shape on the wall using a carpenter pencil.

Step 5: Cut with a Utility Knife and Jab Saw
Use a utility knife to score the paper at the lines. Then, follow with a jab saw to cut the hole.

Step 6: Cut and Install Backing Strips
Once the hole is cut, use a saw to cut two strips of wood about two inches taller than your patch. These should bridge the hole. Fasten the backing strips with drywall screws on both sides of the hole. These backing strips will reinforce the patch for this hole.

Step 7: Test Fit
Test fit the patch. If it's tight or doesn't fit, use a rasp to shave down the edges to reduce its size.

Step 8: Fasten Patch with Screws
Insert the patch and fasten it using drywall screws.

Step 9: Add Joint Compound and Tape
Seal the patch by adding joint compound and tape with a putty knife.

Step 10: Sand and Paint
Use a sanding sponge to sand until the area is smooth. Use a paint roller to paint the patched area so that it blends with the rest of the wall.

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